Two years ago, this blog, this forum, this website; was nothing more than an idea in my head. It was just a small fertile seed that needed the soil, sunlight and water of intention, attention and action to take root and grow.
I didn’t know how write a blog.
I didn’t know how to create a website.
I didn’t know who would read my post.
I didn’t know who would visit the website.
I didn’t know how people would respond to what I shared.
I had a thousand unanswered questions like:
What would people think?
Should I really be sharing my inspirational perspective on the world wide web?
Forget people! What will my family, friends and co-workers think?
OMG! What will my co-workers think?
All of a sudden, this wonderful idea in my head, that seemed so righteous and promising, had now become the impetus for a new emotion. I was afraid.
My idea to create a forum for inspiration and motivation introduced new risk into my seemingly secure world. The idea that momentarily provided me so much access to excitement and new vision gave me access to only one thing…FEAR!
An intense, frightening and handicapping FEAR!
I was scared and flawed. Who am I to share a perspective?
I am still scared and flawed. The Inspirational Perspective I share every week is as much for me, as it is for each of you.
So, what moved me pass my FEAR?
The answer; A simple truth we all inherently know.
A truth that if you don’t risk anything, you are actually risking more.
When I clicked the publish button on my first post to this website blog I was so nervous I was sweating profusely…
…and then with that one click of the mouse my FEAR dissipated.
That click was the birth of more than just that post.
That click was the birth of a new, more inspired ME.
That click was the birth of new opportunity.
That click was the birth of possibility.
More tangibly…
That click was the birth of a website with traffic over 20,000 views a year.
That click was the birth of a blog with over 1000 followers.
That click was the birth of the Inspirational Perspective Facebook page, that now has a community of over 500 people. (Click the link above to ‘like’ and join us.)
That click was the birth of @inspired_peeps on Twitter. (Click the link to follow.)
That click was the birth of, my travel blog.
That click was the birth of
That click was the birth of Linal Harris, Life Coach.
(Click the link above and contact me if your interested in living an empowered life that you design and would like to be a client.)
So my question for you this week; What ideas, dreams or goals do you have that are currently separated from possibility and tangible success by your FEAR?
This is the 100th post published on!
I almost let FEAR destroy that.
I almost let caring about what PEOPLE might think inhibit me.
Conquer FEAR!
Dive into your possibilities!
Realize your dreams
Be what you believe, is SUCCESS!
Stay inspired, it’s a lifestyle choice!
About the Author:
Linal Harris Global Entrepreneur – Certified Life Coach – Media Personality – Speaker
For daily inspiration – text “INSPIRED” to 43783 – Enrollment is free!

Great post! An old friend of mine would always tell me that “Your fear itself is what will connect you to the thing that you fear the most!” One could say if your paralyzed by fear you are instantly connected to the failure caused by fear simply from not overcoming it in exaclty the way you described.
Love this! Seriously, brilliant. Thanks for stepping into your GREATNESS and owning who you are. It was a GIFT to read this post.
Hi Linal! Loved your post! I am officially hooked!
Thanks for sharing Linal, this was a great post! Fear is a crippling disease that needs to be eradicated. Your determination to overcome its destruction is inspiring! Keep fighting and inspiring my brother!
Love this post and it reminds me of 2 other quotes that I hold dear…”What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” and “Feel the fear and do it anyway”. Thanks Linal for feeling the fear but doing it anyway…looking forward to the radio show and other great inspiring perspectives.
I love this! Fear can keep us from being our best self. Once you let go of fear, you begin to live. Very inspirational!
I was recommended to check this out a while ago. Reading this was a blessing and very encouraging for me at this point in my life.