10 Characteristics That Lead To Success

Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to learn from a number of men and women, who have made some outstanding achievements and over the past month, I decided to take some time to review my old notes and reflect on the many lessons I’ve learned from them. The list I’ve shared below are a brief compilation of Read More

Help NOT Wanted!

Does this dialogue sound familiar? Person 1: “Hey there, need some help?” Person 2: “No thank you, I’ve got it.” Of course it does, because most of us are on both side of that interchange. Recently, I reached out to a friend, who previously acknowledged the need for professional and entrepreneurial development, and offered her Read More

The Illusions All Around Us

Chicago is hosting NATO.…and just like that, I along with many other Chicagoans found out just how little what we want or would like to have…really matters.  In the end, we’re all treated like a potential protestor or threat. It’s very interesting how a privilege given, can so easily be a privilege taken away.…and the Read More