I Guarantee!

In a world of constant change and shift, using the word guarantee in a sentence, almost immediately causes someone to second guess your credibility. The word guarantee has been so mis-used and carelessly displayed, that most of us barely notice advertisements and signs that boast the phrase, “Satisfaction Guaranteed”. We’re so used to being disappointed Read More

Mental Weight Loss (Shedding)

The human body sheds 30,000 to 40,000 skin cells every minute. Within a year, the average human body will shed close to 9 pounds of skin. Our body is designed to release old skin, because otherwise the microscopic bacteria, viruses and parasites that we encounter daily would eventually burrow deep enough into the epidermis to Read More

The Internal Serial Killer

Early in my professional career, I was a fairly timid and quiet guy. I was elevated to management, largely due to my knowledge and expertise, but, I lacked the self-confidence to really be labeled a leader. I often struggled when expressing an idea or articulating a point of view, that I knew would not be Read More

Invisible Chains – What’s Holding You Back?

What’s holding you back? Are you accomplishing your goals and living your dreams? Take a minute or two and think about this… Does your mind revert to a particular circumstance and/or person? What is this circumstance? Who is this person? What’s inhibiting your dreams and taking your power? Has it been a circumstance, person, or Read More

Got Knowledge?

What you do not know can hurt you. What you do not know can destroy you. What you do not know can separate you from your destiny. The lack of knowledge or refusal to use acquired knowledge can hurt, destroy and separate us from a destiny and dream we never had the opportunity to dream. Read More

Who is your worst enemy?

I’m often asked about the time involved in creating this weekly blog. The answer; it depends. Sometimes I’ll write an article months or weeks before it’s posted. Other times, I receive some fresh perspective and inspiration that changes my direction, and presents a new idea, superseding what I’ve already written, started to write or plan Read More

Exercises and Books for Identifying Your Purpose

Hello Inspirational Perspective family. Here are the exercises for identifying your purpose, that I talked about on tonight’s show, on WVON 1690 AM. The first exercise is called “The 21 I Ams”. I learned this exercise from listening to old Earl Nightingale tapes. Take a blank sheet of paper and write out 21 I Ams. Read More

The Purpose For Having a Purpose

Two thousand years ago, when a sailor started a journey, he would chart a course using nautical maps and then use the stars to ensure he was on course. When the skies were overcast, a seafaring vessel could lose valuable time drifting in the water, waiting for a sign that they were headed in the Read More

Our Environment Creates Our Thoughts

  I am often shocked and baffled, when I encounter friends and colleagues who are passionate about being green, saving the earth and fighting global warming, but don’t place the same importance on their personal space. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all about being green and recycling. I recycle fanatically. (…and when I can Read More

Does your life need a new CEO?

  No matter where in the world you reside, going to work everyday is a consistent cultural reality. Whether we work banker’s hours, with a nine to five gig that puts us in rush hour traffic both ways of our commute, or something a little less conventional, like working the night shift as a nurse Read More