Stop! GIVE this some THOUGHT!

Consider how puny the human being is, in comparison to the rest of the species that roam the earth. As humans, we are among the weakest, physically, of most living creatures. We are amongst the slowest… We are amongst the most defenseless… We also have the weakest senses amongst most mammals. Other mammals have better Read More

Does The World Revolve Around You?

There are 7.2 billion humans alive on this planet. Most of the time we give no thought to them, nursing the belief that the world revolves solely around us. The truth? The world revolved before we were born and will continue to revolve long after we return to the dust. This world doesn’t revolve around Read More

Invisible Chains – What’s Holding You Back?

What’s holding you back? Are you accomplishing your goals and living your dreams? Take a minute or two and think about this… Does your mind revert to a particular circumstance and/or person? What is this circumstance? Who is this person? What’s inhibiting your dreams and taking your power? Has it been a circumstance, person, or Read More

Who is your worst enemy?

I’m often asked about the time involved in creating this weekly blog. The answer; it depends. Sometimes I’ll write an article months or weeks before it’s posted. Other times, I receive some fresh perspective and inspiration that changes my direction, and presents a new idea, superseding what I’ve already written, started to write or plan Read More

The Purpose For Having a Purpose

Two thousand years ago, when a sailor started a journey, he would chart a course using nautical maps and then use the stars to ensure he was on course. When the skies were overcast, a seafaring vessel could lose valuable time drifting in the water, waiting for a sign that they were headed in the Read More