Do you need a recharge?

In this ‘Information and Technology Age’ everything around us seems to have an energy bar or power meter. As 21st century populace, the majority of us have become so ‘at one’ with our electronic gadgets and tools, that an extraterrestrial visitor would mistake a good deal of earth’s inhabitants for cyborgs with interchangeable electronic parts. Read More

7 Reasons You’re Always Exhausted

Recently, I read an article sharing data that most adult Americans live in a constant state of exhaustion. Lack of sleep was the number one culprit. Yet, even adults who averaged seven to eight hours of sleep every night still claimed to feel tired and/or lack energy. In the past, I’ve read studies like this before Read More


Growing up and living in a large metropolitan city, can make anyone take the sound of a siren for granted. In a big city… It’s a common occurrence to hear police sirens. It’s a common occurrence to hear fire truck sirens. It’s a common occurrence to hear ambulance sirens. These sirens interrupt our sleep. These Read More